Sample Prep
oYo-Capture™ Magnetic Beads
oYo-Capture™ Magnetic beads provide a an efficient method of...
FFPE RNA Purification Kit
For the rapid and efficient extraction and purification...
cf-DNA/cf-RNA Preservative Tubes (50)
For Whole Blood Sample Collection and Preservation of...
microRNA Purification Kit (25 preps)
Rapid purification of microRNA without phenol; isolation and...
Fatty Tissue RNA Purification Kit (25 preps)
Fatty Tissue RNA Purification Kit This kit was...
Cell Culture Media Exosome Purification and RNA Isolation Mini Kit (50 preps)
Purification and enrichment of intact cell culture media...
Cell Culture Media Exosome Purification and RNA Isolation Midi Kit (25 preps)
Purification and enrichment of intact cell culture media...